Mozilla 'Fennec' Bagi Android Siap Diunduh

Fennec pada Android (ist)

Jakarta - Setelah digembar-gemborkan di Facebook, browser internet Firefox Mobile (Fennec) untuk Android kini siap diunduh. Sayangnya ini baru versi unofficial.

Dengan kehadiran Fennec, maka browser pihak ketiga yang bakal dibenamkan di ponsel Android sebagai default browser, tak hanya 'dimonopoli' Opera Mini.

Perlu diketahui sebelumnya, pada Juni 2009, eksekutif Mozilla--perusahaan pembesut Firefox--pernah menyatakan bahwa Fennec tidak akan dikembangkan di Android, karena tidak adanya dukungan SDK (software development kit) dari Google. Namun setelah Android SDK keluar, hal tersebut berubah.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari blogsdna, Kamis (1/4/2009) salah seorang developer di sebuah forum Android bernama Martin Schirr, kini telah melakukan serangkaian tes terkait hal itu. Hasilnya Fennec dapat bekerja dengan mulus pada Motorola Milestone.

Nampaknya pengguna Android harus bersabar 3-4 bulan ke depan, sebelum versi beta Fennec ini benar-benar siap. Jika ingin mencoba versi unofficial-nya, silakan unduh pada link berikut. ( fw / faw )

Fajar Widiantoro - detikinet

Android 2.1 (Eclair MR1) SDK

One week after releasing the Android Nexus One phone to the public, Google has released the software development kit (SDK) that allows third-party developers to write applications for the phone. Android 2.1 has several new features including:

Version 2.1 is also referred to as Eclair Maintenance Release 1 (MR1), or API level 7 to programmers. In all, 2.1 has 118 API changes, which is approximately a 0.48% difference compared to the previous version.


Android 2.1 is currently shipping on the HTC Nexus One. The Motorola Droid (Sholes) sold by Verizon is currently at 2.0.1 but users should expect an over the air update “soon” (which could mean anything from 2 weeks to 2 months). As of this writing, all other Android devices (about 80% of the market, according to Google) are running version 1.5 or 1.6:

Source: Google market data collected during the two weeks ending on 1/4/2010

Eventually 2.0.1 will go away, replaced by 2.1 just as 2.0 was replaced by 2.0.1. If current trends continue, we predict that 2.0.1/2.1 will achieve a 25% market share by February, and 50% by the end of the year.

Note that all programs written using the 1.5/1.6 APIs should work on newer devices, but you should test your apps on all targeted versions and screen sizes just to make sure. Programs written to require the 2.0.1/2.1 APIs will not work on older devices.

Ed  BurnetteEd Burnette is a professional developer and author of several articles and books about computing including Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform, 2nd Edition. For disclosure of Ed's industry affiliations, click here or to view his full profile click here.

January 12th, 2010

Posted by Ed Burnette @ 7:11 am

Categories: Android, Google, Programming

Tags: Google Inc., Voice Recognition, Multi-touch, API, SDK...

Samsung Galaxy S Pro With Keyboard Rumored

There are touchscreen only fans and hardware keyboard fans and some folks are adamant about having it one way or another. That’s why when an amazing mobile phone like the Motorola Droid– or in this case the Samsung Galaxy S – are announced, one knee-jerk reaction is to wonder what the phone would be like if they offered an alternate version. We’re all familiar with the practice of adding a slideout QWERTY and slapping a “Pro” on to the end of the name, and that is exactly what are suggesting will happen with the Samsung Galaxy S.


The above picture is only a mock-up and is NOT real. But, rumor has it a phone that looks very similar to the Galaxy S will add the keyboard and start selling in late summer, after the original S has been on the market a couple months.

Is there any truth to the rumor? No way of knowing. Would you be happy if the rumor came true? Different question completely… and one that I’d love for YOU to answer.

by Rob Jackson on March 30th, 2010

Sumber : Phandroid

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