The Nook Color Might Be a Better Android Tablet Than We Thought

The Nook Color Might Be a Better Android Tablet Than We Thought

The Nook Color's built on top of Android, but seemed crippled in its potential to be a killer Android tablet by the way it'd run apps. Well, the reality is, it could be a solid little Android tablet after all.

At the Nook Color announcement, Barnes & Noble wasn't super clear about how apps and its own app store would work in relation to the larger Android ecosystem and Market. But now that we've talked to them about the development program a little more in depth, things look peachier.

Barnes & Noble is going to run their own app store for the Nook Color, distributing and selling applications. It's a "curated" experience, meaning they'll have to approve apps for the store, which developers can start submitting in "early 2011," with apps approved "within weeks" of submission. So the apps that we saw at the launch, like Pandora, is all that'll be available for a couple of months. (They won't disclose how they're splitting revenue with developers but said they're using a "familiar" scheme, so the standard 70/30 probably applies.)

The Nook Color won't run apps straight out of the Android Market, but that doesn't mean it can't run them—in fact, they've done a lot of tests on apps from standard Android smartphones and they "pretty much run on Nook Color," which has Android 2.1 under the hood. (The Nook's native interface and apps are just standard Android application layers.) Barnes & Noble's special Nook SDK runs on top of the standard Android one, and gives developers access to exclusive extensions and APIs for the Nook and its interface. So porting Android apps isn't difficult. B&N says it's more like "optimizing" them for Nook than porting them.

While Barnes & Noble really doesn't want the Nook Color "to be perceived as a multipurpose device," and their goal is to "extend the reading experience through applications," their definition of apps that do that is quite elastic. In fact, they don't have to be text-y at all. I posited a Netflix or other video service app, and B&N's Director of Developer Relations Claudia Romanini said they'd probably fly. "Is it attached to a book? Maybe not. But when I'm looking at content, I'm looking for multiple touch points. The fundamental question B&N is asking of apps is, "Woul
d that reading user be interested in consuming that content?"

Frankly, most of what I use my iPad for is reading—RSS, books, newspapers, email—and Netflix. If the Nook Color can deliver that in a slick way, well, that's all I really want out of an Android tablet, especially for $250. And given that it's plain ol' Android underneath, I won't be surprised when the more enterprising Android nerds make it capable of doing a lot of other things too.

Send an email to matt buchanan, the author of this post, at

Source : Gizmodo

Barnes & Nobles Luncurkan Nook Color


New York, – Nook Color meramaikan pasar tablet dunia. Diluncurkan Selasa lalu, 26/10/10, di Manhattan, New York, Amerika Serikat oleh jaringan toko buku besar Barnes & Nobles. E-reading tablet ini dapat membaca buku, majalah, koran dan buku anak-anak dengan fitur layar berwarna.

Nook Color yang memiliki ketebalan kurang dari 1/2 inci ini menawarkan fitur layar sentuh berwarna berukuran 7 inci dan dilengkapi memori 8 Gb yang mampu menyimpan sampai 6000 buku atau jika dikombinasikan sekitar 1.000 buku, 25 majalah, 10 surat kabar, 50 buku anak-anak, 500 lagu dan 150 foto. Jika kehabisan memori, Nook Color menyediakan slot untuk kartu memori MicroSD. Nook Color juga dilengkapi fasilitas Wi-Fi. Barnes & Nobles mengatakan produk ini juga akan dipasang fitur 3G seperti pada produk Nook sebelumnya.


Selain aktivitas membaca, Nook Color juga dilengkapi fasilitas browsing internet namun tanpa dukungan Adobe Flash. Sambil membaca, pengguna Nook Color juga bisa mendengarkan musik melalui headphone jack, streaming radio dan bermain games. Bagi social media junkie, Nook Color juga menyediakan sarana berbagi dan update status.

Fitur Work on the Go memungkinkan pengguna Nook Color membuat, menyunting, dan melihat file Microsoft Office seperti Word, Excel dan PowerPoint. Nook Color juga dapat digunakan untuk mentransfer file PDF, ePub dan JPG untuk personalisasi wallpaper.

Buat pengguna Nook Color telah tersedia 2 juta judul buku dan beragam majalah. Barnes & nobles juga menawarkan aneka judul buku dan majalah interaktif untuk anak-anak .

Beberapa fasilitas menarik yang disediakan Barnes & Nobles adalah Lifetime Library. Fasilitas ini adalah perpustakaan pribadi tempat pengguna menyimpan buku yang dimiliki dan bisa dibaca di mana saja, kapan saja. Fasilitas lain adalah pengguna bisa saling pinjam meminjamkan buku tanpa biaya hingga 14 hari dengan teknologi LendMe antar sesama pengguna Nook Color.

Nook Color dijual seharga 249 dolar, sekitar setengah harga iPad Apple dan sekitar 100 dolar lebih mahal dari produk Nook berlayar hitam-putih yang dirilis tahun lalu. Barnes & Noble mengatakan pelanggan bisa langsung membeli Nook Color, yang didukung oleh software Android Google, sekitar 19 November 2010.

by Alexander Louiciano

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